Saturday, January 15, 2011

11 Months

Deacon - you are 11 months old and almost done with your first year!
  • You weigh 21 lbs. 8 oz. and are 29.75 inches tall!

  • You are almost exclusively in 18 month clothes and wear size 4 shoes.

  • This month you celebrated your first Christmas and slept through your first New Year's. You also had your first eye doctor appointment and upgraded carseats.

  • Your walking has improved even more and you can now get to every room in the house with no problem! You usually walk with your arms in the air (like the picture above). We first thought it was because you were playing with your hair, but now wonder if you may do it to keep from bumping your head while toddling around.

  • You have learned how to hold your bottle while sitting up and can feed yourself large cookies and crackers! You still enjoy your level 3 baby food, but will sample food from our plates too. We are excited that this is our last month to purchase formula!

  • You love watching tv and will stare at anything that comes on, from cartoons to sports. You seem to like Wow Wow Wubzy and Yo Gabba Gabba the best.

  • You are now sleeping through the night almost every day and typically go to bed around 7:00 pm and are out for 12 hours! You have no trouble going down and love sleeping in your crib.

  • Us worrying about you this past month has reminded us to appreciate every blessing you have brought into our lives. We are counting the days until your glasses arrive and cannot wait to see your reaction to EVERYTHING, just in time for your first birthday party!

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