We started off at Rainforest Cafe for lunch. Carson had so much fun just checking the place out, but was a little cautious when the "storm" hit. For those of you who have never been, every 30 minutes the lights turn down and the animals start going crazy, then the restaurant is filled with sounds of loud thunder booming and rain. Brian said that he has heard that the owner believes that if the thunder doesn't scare a few kids it isn't loud enough!
We all had hamburgers and ordered a dessert (you will see below) and our bill came out at the whopping cost of $65! We definitely paid for atmosphere, but it was a nice treat!
(*I couldn't find the charger for my new camera, so we had to make do with the old one...the pictures are a little fuzzy b/c of this...)

when they bring it to your table all the waiters yell "V-O-L-C-A-N-O!!" Great marketing, b/c it seemed like most the tables ordered one!
After lunch we ran across the street to the beach. They must have brought sand in because it was so clean and fresh. Brian had to talk Carson into putting his feet in the water, and of course when he did, a huge wave came and soaked him!

We were planning to go to the Sylvan Beach Festival afterwards, but Carson had plans of his own. He was so impressed with the sand that he decided to throw his wet, clothed body on the ground and make "sand angels." Here is the result:

His next adventure was to try and catch the seagulls out on the beach. Luckily no birds were caught and no one was injured!
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