Our hotel was in a FABULOUS location. It was right on the riverwalk AND attached to a mall!! We were thrilled and decided we immediately needed to shop and play dress up our first night:

I am really surprised we didn't get kicked out of the Disney store...

Then we went and ate at a Mexican restaurant that came highly recommended. After walking a million blocks in July heat we made it. The food was great, the service not so much.

The next morning we got up and went to our classes. Of course our fearless leader volunteered to help in one of the sessions:

For any of my teacher friends that are interested, most of the places carried shirts for all grades and subjects!! You can visit their websites here, here, here, here, and here.
I also found a booth with an item that I am going to write my next grant for: Math Sing-Alongs!! I love singing to my kids in class, even though I don't have a great voice, and it really helps them remember how to work their problems. Kay Smitherman wrote hundreds of songs about math to familiar tunes. Her workshop was our absolute favorite of the whole conference! We spent an hour singing and laughing! I also lucked out and got to be her helper, so she gave me a free cd!!

Her songs were so catchy that we caught ourselves singing them later in the day. This one was our favorite:

Her songs were so catchy that we caught ourselves singing them later in the day. This one was our favorite:
I love addition,
I love subtraction too.
Counting by 5's is just what I like to do.
I love to estimate,
Yes math is really great.
M- I love it.
A- I love it.
A- I love it.
T- I love it.
H- I love it.
Yes, I am well aware of my extreme dorkiness.
Our last night we ate dinner at Pat O'Briens and sung along at their piano bar. We had a blast!!
Our last night we ate dinner at Pat O'Briens and sung along at their piano bar. We had a blast!!
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