We are just about out of diapers at our house, so we decided to run to Wal-mart to stock up, and wanted to try out the new denim huggies they have been advertising. Before we left, Carson was listening to my ipod with his headphones (b/c the ear buds don't fit in his). He decided his outfit would look really "cool" if he wore the headphones around his neck for the trip, and made me change his shorts so that he was wearing ones with pockets for the ipod. I HAD to take his picture before we left!

For the first time in a long time, we had a pleasant Wal-mart experience! We couldn't find the blue jean huggies, so we asked for help. The lady helped us look, but said they must be sold out when we couldn't find any. About five minutes later she found us in the store to tell us they were unloading them from the truck! They only had size 3, which fit Deacon's weight, but he is at the very low end, so they are a little big...but he looks so cute in them nonetheless!

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