My high school dance teacher opened a Jazzercise studio when we were in high school and would sometimes practice her routines with us. It was always a great workout, but a lot of fun too because it incorporated popular songs with dance-like routines.
Now that I am post-pregnancy times two, and inching closer to thirty, I've decided I need some exercise in my life. My mother-in-law has been attending the studio where my old teacher is for years and has lost weight and toned up quite a bit, but it's a little too far for me to drive. Luckily, they are all over, including where I live.
I have been going to the gym for the past few months, doing weights, running, and swimming, but none of it prepared me for the first class I took of Jazzercise last week. I talked my neighbor into going with me for moral support. When we pulled into the parking lot, we saw a lady who had to at least be in her 60's dressed in her workout gear, and I immediately thought that if she could do it, it would be a piece of cake!
By the time we were finished with the "warm-up" I was already drenched! I swear, if my neighbor hadn't gone with me I would have snuck out the back door. I have no idea what my body would have done if I hadn't at least been working out these past couple of months! That 60 year old woman could jazzercise circles around my butt...it was embarrassing. I'm just glad there weren't any cameras, or anyone else I knew. I don't think I have ever been so hot and it was an hour! When Brian saw me a couple of hours later he thought I had gotten sunburned, I was still so flush.
I have now gone to five classes, and each class gets a little easier as my body adjusts and I learn the routine. It is actually a lot of fun. My favorite part is at the end they tell you how many calories the routine burns, and it has fallen between 650-750 calories every time. I can also tell when I hit up the gym how much more endurance I have, which is an extra perk.
My goal now is to run a 5k by the end of the year. Seeing as I'm not an athlete by any stretch, this should be interesting...
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