Mood: Nervous! I think the reality that we are about to have more kids than adults in our house has set in.
Maternity clothes? I just about live in sweatpants, t-shirts, and dresses because that is the only thing that still fits. I can't wait to start working out and wear regular clothes again!
Sleep: What a difference a month makes...I can't think of the last time I had a good night sleep! I can't sleep on my back, and when I sleep on my sides my shoulders and hips hurt! And once I finally get a comfortable position, I have to get up to pee...this pattern repeats at least 5 times a night.
Energy Level: I still have motivation to get stuff done, just no energy to do it and even if I did the bed rest limits me.
Best moments in the last month: Seeing Bennett again at my recent ultrasound (pics coming soon)
Movement? All the time, but especially after I eat or when I am lying down. I can also feel Bennett hiccup almost every day!
Cravings: Sonic Ice!! (It is out of control!)
Baby purchases this month: Car seat and the stroller my aunt bought us arrived. We also got all of the baby clothes out of the attic and started washing them.
What I miss: A good night sleep, walking without panting, and margaritas!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing baby Bennett!

1 comment:
SO cute! I loooooved being preggo. I always felt cute and people held doors for me... It was great!
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