Deacon showed us in the last ultrasound that he is positioned heads down & we watched him practice breathing the entire time. He is about 18 1/2 inches long now, and weighs close to 7 lbs. (the size of a small watermelon):

With this being my 9th month of pregnancy, I am constantly surprised how easy and comfortable it has been. My legs haven't really been swelling too much, and my back rarely hurts. The only complaint I have is just being a little more tired and out of breath than normal.

How far along? 36 weeks
Weight gained: 32 lbs.
Mood: tired, but good
Maternity clothes? is it bad to say that I really am going to miss them??
Sleep: it is getting harder to find a comfortable position, but I am still sleeping pretty well, even though my dreams are CRAZY!
Energy Level: rapidly declining...would love to have a little nesting energy going on
Energy Level: rapidly declining...would love to have a little nesting energy going on
Best moments in the last month: Carson giving my belly kisses, the latest ultrasound, baby shower
Movement? I can feel EVERYTHING he does now, my belly shakes when he gets the hiccups
Cravings: Sonic Ice!! It is just so yummy to crunch on
Belly button in or out: O-U-T
Baby purchases this month: coming home outfit, car seat, mobile
What I miss: sleeping on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: holding our newest family member!
My next monthly pictures will be of baby Deacon growing, instead of my belly! We can't wait to meet him!
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