All About Deacon

Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer Reading

Let me start with one of the most overused phrases ever: "Don't judge a book by its cover"

Now saying that, I still have such a hard time practicing this. Publishers spend tons of money creating covers for books to grab your attention from the shelves. I am an avid "Chick-lit" reader, so when I search the library for a new read I hit up the fiction section looking for bright colored spines and cutesy cartoon-esque illustrations. If they don't jump out at me, they are overlooked.

A friend of mine insisted I read this book:

ummm...not necessarily screaming "read me." It sort of looks like a cheesy romance novel.

I took it home not thinking I would waste my few minutes of quiet time at night cracking this snore-fest open.

The school year started wrapping up and my friend asked if I would be reading and returning her book before summer. That night, while soaking in the tub, I figured I would at least give the first chapter a chance.

Life changing.

Besides the bible, it is the best book I have EVER read. This novel has made me want to be a more forgiving, less judging person, as well as a stronger Christian.

(I'm obviously no author, so I'm warning you that my description will not give it justice.) The story takes place during the Gold Rush of 1850 with Angel, who has had a tough life and because of this is unable to trust men, and Michael, a Christian who learns that Angel is the one that God has called him to love. It is a biblically-based fiction novel that illustrates unconditional love, the importance of forgiveness, and the changes that happen when you surrender to God.

As soon as I finished the last page I immediately got online and ordered three copies from amazon to give as gifts and am now waiting for them to arrive.

For those of you looking for a good read, here it is. :)

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