All About Deacon

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Last night we celebrated Halloween by passing out candy and trick-or-treating. My sister and nephews came over and we made tacos for dinner.

Deacon helped me get the basket of candy organized for passing out...

Our boys were ABSOLUTELY adorable in their costumes! And Deacon was sweet to stay awake long enough for pictures.

I love that my boys are still young enough to wear nice, sweet costumes because I know that they will one day choose the scary, gross costumes that my nephews like and there won't be much I can do about it.

Deacon crashed out on a blanket in the yard by the time we took family photos...

Carson loved having matching Mario costumes with his Dad.

We have been projecting movies on our garage for a few years now, and it seemed appropriate to play a Mario themed cartoon...

Ethan and Brian stayed at the house with a sleeping Deacon to pass out candy, while Joni, Carson, Melissa, Caroline, and I made our rounds getting candy. We tried to talk James into going, but he wanted to stay home and pass out candy too.

We did lots of walking and the kids got tons of candy. Everyone thought Carson's costume was hilarious, and would say "Mario" with the Italian accent every time he walked up to a new house to get candy.
It was dark and we were tired and hungry by the time we made our loop back to the house.

Carson ate his taco, and then dug into the candy before bedtime.

Deacon didn't even know the excitement that he missed...

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