All About Deacon

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Mario Costume

When we were deciding on costumes for Halloween this year for the grown-ups in our house, Carson convinced us to go with Super Mario Brothers. Brian already looks kinda like Mario, so that was an easy plan to make. We went shopping last night and bought his hat and gloves; he owns a long-sleeved red shirt, so this week we just have to hit up some thrift stores to locate the overalls.

Carson suggested I be Princess Peach, but the costumes are goddy and I didn't want to spend the whole month hunting down a fluffy pink dress. I decided to go for the coin box instead.

After a little brainstorming, we came up with the easiest and cheapest make-it-yourself costume.

Free box from Brian's job

1 can metallic gold spray paint, 1 can glossy white spray paint

Gold glitter and spray glue

We sprayed the box gold first, then sprayed the glue and sprinkled the glitter when it had dried:

I googled an image of the coin box online, blew it up in Word, then printed it out. Once it was printed, I cut the question mark and traced it on poster board. Using an exacto knife I cut the stencil out of the poster, layed it down in the center of each side of the box and sprayed it white.
Here's how it turned out:

We kept the flaps on top and just pushed them inside so that we could run black ribbon through it without it showing the knots. The folded edge also helps the box from rubbing against my skin.

I have more accessories to add to the costume, but will save those until my pictures on Halloween weekend.