All About Deacon

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bennett's 34 Week Ultrasound

Because Deacon was such a big baby (9lbs. 5 oz.) our doctor wanted to see how big Bennett is getting. Last week I had my final ultrasound (ever!). Although he is squished, Bennett cooperated for some great images. Here he is sucking his thumb:
For the first time ever, I was so uncomfortable I couldn't even lay on my back and had to stay on my left side for almost the entire ultrasound, missing the show.
But, he looked perfectly healthy (and like he may have some full lips, like Deacon)!
After all the measurements were finished, he came in weighing about a week ahead: 5lbs. 6oz. putting him in the 65th percentile.
His head circumference, on the other hand, is working overtime...almost measuring 2 weeks ahead...

I haven't seen my doctor to share the results, but will this week, when we will hopefully pick out an induction date. Only about a month to go!