All About Deacon

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pinterest Projects

You know how they say you marry your parent? Sometimes Brian scares me by how much he has in common with my dad. Mostly he reminds me of the positive attributes. Growing up my dad could fix anything, and if he couldn't he would at least give it a good try until my mom forced him to bring in a professional. He built the house I grew up in, could fix the car issues, and still believes that WD-40 can solve any problem. The smell will still bring me back to my childhood.

That's the best quality in Brian too; I love being married to a handy fella. He can fix broken appliances and build all the crazy projects I dream up. As you can imagine, he is just THRILLED that I found pinterest...hehe

The great thing is that he can't say "that won't work" because I can pull up the instructions along with photographic proof!

I started working on him slowly and just showed him a couple of my favorites. What's the point in overwhelming him with the 600+ pins I have made??

First up, rain gutter book shelves!! All the supplies (10 ft gutter, brackets, and 4 endcaps) cost somewhere around $15!

We were going to go with white gutters, but once we saw the brown ones we decided those would match better.

Step by step instructions here.

The other project we completed was hanging storage bins in our garage. We already had the bins, so we only had to purchase wood. It only cost about $10 and took Brian 20 minutes to do.

We are planning to buy more lumber to build a few more rows.

You can see the how-to here.


  1. I ADORE Pinterest! I'm working on my 3rd project from there now!

  2. I am slightly obsessed!! We are on our 3rd project too! What is your pinterest name?

  3. LOL, nevermind already following you!! :)
