All About Deacon

Sunday, October 30, 2011

11 Week Ultrasound

In a few short weeks our baby went from a bundle of cells to a tiny person! Even after two other little ones, I am still amazed by God!

I grilled the ultrasound tech to see if she could give any hint to the sex of the baby, but she said it is still another week or two until you can distinguish. (Possibly tmi: At this stage all babies have something down there, its the angle that soon determines the sex. Out: girl, Up: boy) So as of now, it is still girl-like, but it may change. We find out November 28th.

Technology has already improved since Deacon! We were even able to get some 3D images this early on!

This one shows the baby curled up facing forward with its hands up by his/her face.

Closer view:

Side view:

We have narrowed down a few of our favorite names and would love your input! If you haven't voted, please do here.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Carson's 1st School Photo

Don't you love the embarrassing school photos from your past, with lighting that shows every imperfection, and a photographer who doesn't wait until your ready before snapping away, or tilts your head to some awkward angle???

Well luckily, our Big C is completely adorable, regardless of where he is being photographed!

This may be the last school photo we have for a while with a mouth full of teeth, now that he is approaching 6!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


A few stores (Walgreens, HEB, Babiesrus) sell an at-home product called IntelliGender to detect the sex of the baby as early as 10 weeks. We obviously aren't putting a lot of weight in this product, but thought it would be a fun way to pass the time until we do find out. AND it was accurate in predicting Deacon's gender.

Here's their verdict:
Have any of you used this? Was yours correct?

Jellystone Park

A couple of weeks ago we had the most amazing little getaway at Jellystone Park! They hold tons of Halloween activities the entire month of October, and we have definitely found a new fall tradition! Even better, after a record breaking scorcher summer, this was the first weekend for the weather to cool off!

We arrived Friday evening, just in time for the dance.

Followed by a movie under the stars: The Adams Family

The next morning we woke up early, ready to explore!

The craft room was full of fun things to do: ceramics, coloring sheets, shirts to decorate, scavenger hunts, and guessing games.

One of my favorite places was the toddler room (right next door to the arcade), which was stocked with lots of sensory activities, perfect for any little one, but especially our Deacon or special needs children. Saying Deacon had a good time would be an understatement!

Carson's favorite hangout was the pool! They had waterslides, a large picnic basket that dumped water on the kids every few minutes, and a pool for basketball. They also had another pool by the putt-putt golf course that we didn't even have time to try.

I would have loved to try this one, but our new addition kept me on the sidelines this year:

Later in the day they had magic pumpkin seed planting! Seeds were planted, Yogi waved his magic wand over the patch and a few hours later, the pumpkins were "grown!"

Then Carson named and painted our pumpkin, Charlie.

That evening was the costume contest, trick-or-treating at the cabins/rvs, hayride, and haunted house.

Could my kids be any more adorable!?!

Like any good mom, I of course felt my kids were robbed when they didn't win...

Our next morning ended with a delicious all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast! (Followed by a perfectly timed rainstorm!)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Carson's Kindergarten

Last week was Carson's Parent/Teacher Conference at school. I got to sit down with each teacher and find out how he is doing. While I waited for my turn, I snapped a few pictures of his work that was hanging in the hallway with my phone.

His homeroom/English-speaking/Reading Teacher said he has adjusted well, both academically and behaviorally. He gets along well with the kids, and she has learned the best place for him to work is next to the hard-working girls in class.
Next was his Spanish-speaking/Math Teacher. She said Carson is starting to really pick up Spanish words. ALL of the numbers and shapes they learn are taught in Spanish, so luckily math is his strong point so that he won't miss out while learning them. He has already to count to 29 and can name the triangle, rectangle, square, and circle in Spanish.
So far, he loves school! I have no trouble waking him up in the morning, and he usually passes the time on our hour drive each way by playing games on my phone.

*His best friend at school is named Savy and they play 'silverblades' (no clue) and army outside at recess.

*A little girl named Peyton told him the first week of school that he is her boyfriend whether he likes it or not. After he tried to argue a few times, he has finally given in and agreed, even though he still says that he isn't. haha

*Carson's favorite breakfast served at school is pancakes, and favorite lunch is nachos. His favorite flavor milk has a purple lid and he says it takes like ice cream.

*He is still our social butterfly, and because of this gotten a couple of conduct marks for touching other students and talking in the hallway. We have tried to balance the line of telling him that conduct marks are unacceptable, while trying not to stress him out too bad when he gets them. Last week was the first full week that he was conduct mark free!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Carson Singing Spanish

Here is our adorable child singing his first Spanish song from school:

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Meet Scott Baby #3

Well it's official: there is a baby in my tummy! We were already able to see and hear a tiny heartbeat from that little ball of love!

I am 8 weeks pregnant, with May 10th looking like our due date! (The baby measured a little smaller than that, but the doctor said it was close enough to keep that date.) With two little winter babies already, I am excited to have some warmer weather to party plan for in the future!!

Our next appointment is October 25th, where I get another ultrasound and he/she will actually look like a baby!

Carson has already started throwing out name suggestions, and I now know another reason five year olds don't have kids of their own...the names sound like something a celebrity couple would pick:

Girl Names-
Geyser (what we yell when Deacon pees in the bathtub)

Boy Middle Name-
Climb-in-the-toilet (again, after Deacon)

We have a couple of names in mind, but still haven't completely decided yet.