All About Deacon

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Extreme Pantry Makeover

Umm, so I can't believe I am posting the before picture of what our pantry looked like last week...all I can say is hot mess:

We moved in our house in 2006, and I swear there was stuff hidden in the back with expiration dates not long after that. It was time for a pantry renovation to happen and we found our inspiration here and here.

We started by repainting our shelves:

Brian and I experienced our first wallpaper application. It was a little intimidating, but wasn't hard, just time consuming. We found the wallpaper at Lowes for $20 and purchased two rolls, which was more than enough.

It took about 5 days total, but we are finally finished!

The wallpaper is my favorite part! I could seriously just sit and stare at the prettiness!

On to the purchases:

Bed, Bath & Beyond: $4.99 (for paper towels, plates, cups, and silverware)

Walmart: $4.87

Walmart: I think like $2 (to hold all those seasoning packets, corn starch, etc.)

This was part of a 6 piece set (including the pic below): I think $8ish

(yes, we are all about generics for our canned food)

Walmart: $5/each

Bed, Bath, & Beyond: Set for $19.99 (saw a similar set at Walmart for $15.99)

Ikea: Large jars- $4.99, Small Jars- $3.99 (the thousands of discovered boxes of Hamburger Helper are hidden behind)

Ikea: $17.99 (holds trash bags, foil, etc.)

Ikea: Metal Planter, found in garden section- $8.99 (filled with sauces, oils, etc.)

Ikea: Small Planter, also in garden section- $1.99 (Brian hung on the wall, for beverage mixes & popcorn)

Ikea: $12.99/each (one for baking supplies, the other for chips)

Bed, Bath, & Beyond: Turntable - $7.99/each

I cannot wait to use my new Silhouette to label all of the containers too!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Deacon discovered how to mimic for the first time yesterday by nodding his head "yes"!!! We are well on our way to communication!!

(Please excuse my annoying baby talk voice):

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fun Find Friday: Teacher Edition

This is the time of year teachers stop basking in the summer laziness and start planning our classrooms. Pinterest has lots of ideas for all things school, but I thought I would use this Friday to focus on getting prepared. Like last week all websites can be found by clicking the link under the image.

Monster Stamps: What is more wonderful than these?? The price! They are only $4!

Double Dot Mini Cooler: $59 for Pottery Barn, for schools that let you have them (or rebel teachers wanting to hide the contraband)

Chair Pockets: Using book covers!

Labels: These are so much cuter than the labels I have and they are free!

Bright Idea (no link): did a student give a bright idea? give them a glow bracelet

Where's your name?: A fun solution to help kids remember

Password Sign: Introduce a new vocabulary word each day (I may do weekly for junior high, since we don't have them all day), to enter or exit classroom password must be used

Beak the Clock Timer: Also comes in red and yellow for $19.99

Reminder Bracelet: Do you have kids who always forget to tell their parents something or bring back supplies (I WAS that kid)

Writing Workshop: Visual on writing progress

Smore Learning: You HAVE to check out this link! The whole classroom follows the camping theme and it is fabulous!

Book Cover Pennant: Love it!

Fly Bulletin Board: Looks a little more teenager-ish! :)

Poster Wizard: Design your own posters (you may use this to steal some ideas below)

Crafty Drawers: Scrapbook paper makes these look so much fancier!

Hanging Book Mobile: Probably wouldn't pay $72 for it...

Hungry Caterpillar Lanterns: Couldn't find an original link, but luckily I ALREADY had another pin on my "Party Planning" board with cheap lanterns: $1.95/each

Direction You Choose Poster: Free Printable

Blooms Poster: SO much prettier than the ones I have been given!

More Important to Be Nice: This would be easy to replicate!

"Book" Shelves: Brings a whole new meaning!

Read Across America: Would probably change this to display the world. Students pin where their book takes place.

Every Moment Printable: Free and a variety of colors

Believe in Yourself = Be You: FREE Printable, could send this to walgreens etc. for cheap

Count Your Blessings: Free Printable (She has other really great printables too)

Energy Art: $70 on etsy, or could make yourself for tons cheaper

Gaga Equation: For the math teachers; not all posters are elementary! I heart this! Prices start at $14.56, but would be easy to make your own

Lightbulb Rug: From Walmart starting at $31

"We Can Do Hard Things": For the kids who always say "this is hard"

File cabinet makeover: could be covered using fabric, scrapbook paper, or wrapping paper

Chalkboard wall decal: adorable for $40