All About Deacon

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baptism Weekend

Twice a year our church has "Baptism Weekend." A few weeks ago they announced that it was coming up, I looked at Brian then and said "I'm getting baptized that weekend."

Neither of us have ever been baptized. We didn't grow up going to church. As adults we searched for the "right" church for our family because we knew we were missing out on something. This was the third church in our area to try 3 years ago and we have been attending ever since.

We were right, we WERE missing out on something amazing. Our relationship with Christ has grown over these past three years and we are now members of our church.

Our schedule got busy and we somehow forgot about the upcoming weekend, until we were getting ready Sunday morning. I reminded Brian that they were doing baptisms that day and we realized that we hadn't told any of our family or friends. So, we decided to put it off again.

The whole service was about baptism, and I sat there thinking over and over how I wished I would have dressed appropriately. At the end of the service our Pastor said there was no excuse if anyone was wanting to be baptized, they had bags of t-shirts and shorts in the lobby for anyone who needed it. Brian looked at me and said "let's do it!"

So with only our boys there to witness it, we were baptized.

In the lobby before the baptism, modeling my clothes

The baptism takes place outside, and I think Carson was a little jealous that he couldn't get in.

We were baptized together. And we were so fortunate that a photographer was there taking pictures.

Our church is amazing. That weekend 293 people were baptized. Two of them were us!

Water Bugs

We recently spent the best $50 on a pool from Academy. It is 10 ft. x 30 in. and is the perfect size for our family. It also comes with a pump so that we don't have to dump all of the water out after each use. Our evenings and weekends have been spent soaking up the sun and playing in the water!

Our neighbor, James, has even come over to test it out!

Deacon is also a big fan.

I'm thinking I will have a fabulous tan and Carson will be a professional swimmer by the end of the summer.

15 Weeks

You had your first ear infection this week, which may have been a result of your first time swimming. You didn't seem to mind too much because you quite liked your first taste of amoxicillin! You have been doing so good with your cereal that this week we also decided to test out sweet potatoes, and of course you loved those too!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

14 Weeks

This week you learned two new things to jabber: "Oh" and "Eww" and will repeat it back to us if we say it to you first. Your grip has gotten a lot better and you can now hold on to a toy ring and bring it to your mouth. That grip has also gotten a fist full of my hair a few times, which isn't easy to pry back out! lol

Saturday, May 15, 2010

3 Months

  • Deacon- you are 3 months old!!!

  • You weigh about 14.5 lbs. & are 24 inches long.

  • You are still wearing a size 2 diaper, and can fit into clothes from 3-9 months depending on the brand.

  • You helped me celebrate my first Mother's Day as a mommy to 2 this month! Your dad gave me the best gift: a weekend of sleeping through the night and breakfast in bed.

  • Your firsts this month consisted of you rolling over from front to back, laughing, and just recently trying cereal.

  • Mealtime has stayed about the same as last month with you drinking between 4 and 6 ounces at each feeding.

  • We are starting to learn some of your habits and they crack us up. You scrunch your nose before you smile, you always sneeze in threes, and anytime the car is moving you are asleep.

  • You are communicating with us more and more. Your favorite thing to say is "Ah-Goo" and you sound like you are yelling "Maaa" when you cry, which makes me think my name will be the one you scream when you are upset. lol

  • You love sitting up and standing in our laps, which means when we aren't holding you, your favorite hangouts are your bouncer and bumbo. You also still love the bath and are now adventurous enough to do a little splashing!

  • The bigger you get the more excited Carson gets to play with you! He can't wait until y'all can go outside together and play with his toys.

  • Most nights you only wake up once, and your carseat is still your favorite place to sleep, but you can fall asleep just about anywhere.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Night of the Dragon

Every year our school has a themed service award to honor Teacher of the Year, Retirees, and people who have years of service in increments of 5. This years it was "Night of the Dragon," so everyone had on their Asian themed attire. Part of our school went as ninjas, there was a whole school that made up a dragon, and our 8th grade math department went as rice field workers. As always, our table had a blast! Our school left empty handed, not even a door prize was won, but we weren't bitter... ;)

I LOVE our school, and especially the best math department EVER!!

12 Weeks

(Dada is holding you from behind in this picture, since you can't quite sit up by yourself yet)

This week you hit another milestone by laughing for the first time. We are now working hard every day to hear your laugh again and again!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bouncy Babies

The picture above is Carson as a baby enjoying his Jumperoo.

Fast forward 4 years - Deacon will now stiffen his legs and is starting to do a little bouncing when held in a standing position on your lap. This was enough motivation to pull down the bouncer from the attic to give it a try.

He loved it.

Our Texas Boy

This morning Carson was eating breakfast before his soccer game. In between bites he looks at me and says "When I grow up I want to do science, be a coach...and ride a bull."

Lord, help me.